Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today I prayed for a couple of my friends.
They both have children that were facing some
concerning health issues.
The end result was good news. God is so good in
how He answered these prayers.
I also prayed for a friend who had a stroke and
was put on life support. He has a wife and a 4 yr.
old daughter.
God is still good in that this friend did not recover
and instead went home to be with the Lord.
I am still praying for his wife and daughter.

I have to post a quote I saw on another blog today:

"I believe in Christ like I believe in the sun,
not because I can look directly at it,
but by it I can see everything else." -Author Unknown
Thank you Brady!
I also still pray for Brady and Chloe.
Actually my family still prays for Brady and



I have not always prayed. I use to just veg out when others prayed; until I met man that changed all that. I was visiting my parents and they had a friend over. Well this friend was a bit on the obnoxious side. He had no problem asking you VERY direct questions; the kind that make you sweat a little bit; like when was the last time you read your Bible and where are you going to spend eternity and have you prayed today and what did you pray about.
On this particular visit when he asked me something about did I need prayer I thought I would get him to leave me alone and I said yes and I proceeded to ask him if he would pray for some sort of something. Well little did I know he would stop everything he was doing and really pray. I was really thrown! I remember thinking I would NEVER EVER EVER ask him to pray for ANYTHING EVER AGAIN -- because he was serious. There was something about how serious and reverent he became. This was not a joke to him. I saw in him something about how this relationship with Jesus was to work. It involves prayer and lots of it. Prayer no matter where you are and what is going on around you. Prayer about anything. Prayer!
There is so much I could write about prayer. For now I am just touching on why prayer has become so important to me. That man really made an impression on me that day. This man that seemed to not be very classy was so very humble and graceful when he prayed. Not only that; but God really did some amazing things in this man's life. I knew from then on; that I was to take prayer very serious. So if I say I will pray -- I will. I will pray right then. I will pray right now that I don't misuse the privilege God has given me to pray.